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Backcountry Skier Meetup Camp May 12/8 @ 11:30

Sun, 2024-12-08
Ann Satsangi or Michael Altherr
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

UPDATE; Still some snow to play in! Bring your skis, transceiver, and a dish to share.  We will have a grill and some brats buns and drinks, and some BC games.  Park in Pajarito lot and ski up via camp may road and uphill past the Motherload lift (or walk up camp may road)  We will put out signs. 

This is intended as a social gathering of the Club's local backcountry ski community to meet potential partners to plan adventures and outings. So, come join Ann, Michael and other like minded individuals at the Camp May pavilion on Sunday December 8th at 11:30am. We'll have a grill, so BYOB (Bring your own Brats), and bring a potluck dish to share.  

We will have fun games planned.  Bring your transceivers to find hidden prizes, hone your skills and challenge your comrades. After lunch, those interested can skin up above Camp May and ride down or tour Canada Bonita. If conditions don't yet favor skiing, we'll still plan to meet up play games, make new acquaintances, and get excited for the upcoming season.

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