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Big Bend Backpack (3 nights)

Mon, 2024-11-18
Tanja Pietrass
575-418-7969 (leave a message)
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Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

I have two spots open for a backpack in Big Bend National Park. Big Bend is way too hot in the summer, and it's a popular NP with all the downsides - no "free" camping in the Chisos Mountains, reserved campsites only. Here are a few caveats: 1. My reserved campsite in the Chisos Mountains is for 3 people, hence I have only 2 spots open. 2. I goofed - I meant to do this trip the Thanksgiving week but did not check the dates and TG is the week after. I don't know yet 100% that I can take the time off work. I have leave approved but if anything dramatic happens, I may not be able to go. If that happens, I assume I could pass my reservations on to someone else. 

We will do the Outer Mountain Loop (ca. 30+ miles). I have a campsite reserved in the park for the night of the departure day. The plan is to drive to BB, pre-stash water at the park's specified locations, and camp in the park campground. The first day we will traverse the Chisos mountains and drop down to the Outer Mountain loop  for our first camp (we may carry water or pre-stash). The second day we will be in low country, following the Outer Mountain loop. For our second camp, we will use our pre-stashed water.  The third day we will spend very close to the rim in the reserved campsite in the Chisos Mountains. We will need to stash sufficient water at the second camp to have enough for the next day, the camp, and the hike out. We will hike back to our starting point and begin the drive home. That last night we will get an early start to push home that same night. To summarize: drive on Monday, begin to hike on Tuesday, end the hike and drive home on Friday. 

I have not been there so this is somewhat exploratory but I believe it's all on trails so route finding shouldn't be too hard. Note that the days in late November will be quite short, so we need to make the best of our daylight hours. Not sure how cold it will get there at night. We'll figure that out as we get closer. 

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