The Labor Day Hike will be to the top of Pajarito Mountain and the Blue Bench for spectacular views of the caldera. This hike is steeper and longer than the regualr Monday evening Potluck hike. We meet at the ski hill parking lot at 4 P.M., earlier than usual to take advantage of the daylight. We will head towards Camp May cutting over to the service road. We will then follow the road/trail to the top of Pajarito Mountain and the Blue Bench. The group will decide whether we eat on top, or hike over to the picnic table overlooking Cochiti.
This is a potluck dinner hike. Please bring a dish to share, and your own dishes, utensils, and beverage. Please RSVP if you plan to attend, and send me your cell phone number so you can be contacted if there is a trip cancelation due to unsafe weather conditions.
Each participant is required to sign a club waiver form to participate in the hike. If you have any special needs, such as food allergies or you prefer not to be photographed as a participant, please let me know ahead of time.
Feel free to contact me is you have any additional questions.
Ellen Mills
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