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Colorado Peak Backpack Postponement

Sat, 2024-08-17
Norbert Ensslin
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

The Colorado Peak Backpack trip originally scheduled for August 9-11 is postponed to August 17-18 because of a very wet forecast for the earlier weekend.   The trip is shortened to just the weekend.  However, Evan Rose may hike in a day earlier, on Friday, so please contact him if you would like to do the same.  The revised trip announcement is as follows:

We are planning to arrive at the Stewart Creek trailhead by early afternoon on Saturday, August 17, and backpack up the Stewart Creek trail to timberline.  From that high camp, we can easily access one Fourteener (San Luis) and one high Thirteener (Stewart).  Like last year’s trip to Missouri Gulch, this will be a relaxed weekend, with an opportunity for Club members to bag one or two Centennial peaks.  Both of these peaks are not often visited from the east side, so it should be an uncrowded area.  It will also be nice to spend time above timberline and enjoy the wildflowers, wildlife, and scenery.  People are welcome to stay for 1 or 2 nights, and climb 1, 2, or no peaks.  Some people may prefer to come in a day earlier with Evan Rose to have more time for both peaks.  

This trip is intermediate in difficulty, and requires prior hiking and backpacking experience because of the elevation gain and altitude.  Camping gear, warm cloths, rain gear, sunscreen, and insect repellant will be needed.  Some people may wish to share tents, stoves, or meal preparation.

Members of the Mountaineers are welcome to join us.  For more information on the trip, or to sign up, please email Norbert at  


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