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Pajarito Ski Hill Potluck Dinner Hike

Mon, 2024-08-05
Ellen Mills
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

The next Monday evening ski hill hike is this coming Monday, August 5th. We will meet at the Pajarito Ski Hill parking lot, and start hiking up the service road at 5:30 PM.  We will hike to the picnic table near the top of the ski hill. Please bring food to share with the group, your own utensils, cups, plate, and your own beverage.  

Evenings are much cooler on the top of the mountain, so bring warmer clothes. You may also want to carry a headlamp.  Inclement weather is always a possiblity, so bring rain gear just in case.  If the weather conditions are not safe, I will make a decision on no go by 4:30 PM.  Please make sure to RSVP and include your cell phone number when you sign up so that you can be contacted if there is a cancelation.

There is an approximate 900 foot elevation gain with the top at about 10,000 feet. The hike up usually takes abut 45 minutes.

Each participant is required to sign a club waiver form to participate in the hike.  If you have any special needs, such as food allergies or you prefer not to be photographed as a participant, please let me know ahead of time. 

Feel free to contact me is you have any additional questions.

Ellen Mills



There is no reimbursement needed.

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