Join us for a moderate hike up the Rito de los Indios in the northeastern corner of the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Per the park writeup at , “The Rito de los Indios Trail is a 7.8-mile (12.6 km) hike that climbs gently up to the northern boundary of the preserve. This trail follows a creek, passes an old cabin from the ranching era, and terminates just beyond a beautiful, hidden valley.” The trail rises from a base elevation of 8,568 to 9,494 feet. Participation in the trip is limited because of the need to obtain a backcountry pass to drive to the trailhead. We will fill the cars as full as possible, at least beyond the visitor center. We will depart from Los Alamos at 8:30 AM. Please contact Bill to take part.
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