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LAM Meeting at Camp May - Campfire Stories

Tue, 2024-07-23

On July 23, 2024, the Los Alamos Mountaineers will have a special program event where we will share "Campfire Stories" at the pavilion at Camp May on the Pajarito Ski Hill.  Specifically, we will have a series of short (3-10 minute) talks given by mountaineers about their adventures (hiking, biking, climbing, skiing, boating) around a campfire at the pavilion. Do you have an adventure you’d like to share? We welcome additional stories as time allows. Please email to get on the list.  We are asking that people come with a dessert to share and we will offer smores during the campfire stories.

We will start the evening at 5:30 PM with a 1 hour hike out toward Canada Bonito (led by Bill Priedhorsky and Clarissa Yablinsky).  At 6:30 PM, we will start the desserts in the Camp May pavilion.  At 7:00 PM we will start the campfire stories where we will share adventures as we roast marshmallows for smores. We will end the evening at 8:30 PM.

Please come and bring a dessert to share.  If you would like to share a story, please email Ann Satsangi at the title/topic by July 21, 2024 .

We will return to our normal PEEC meetings in August.

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