On July 23, 2024, the Los Alamos Mountaineers will have a special program event where we will share "Campfire Stories" at the pavilion at Camp May on the Pajarito Ski Hill. Specifically, we will have a series of short (3-10 minute) talks given by mountaineers about their adventures (hiking, biking, climbing, skiing, boating) around a campfire at the pavilion. Do you have an adventure you’d like to share? We welcome additional stories as time allows. Please email annsats74@gmail.com to get on the list. We are asking that people come with a dessert to share and we will offer smores during the campfire stories.
We will start the evening at 5:30 PM with a 1 hour hike out toward Canada Bonito (led by Bill Priedhorsky and Clarissa Yablinsky). At 6:30 PM, we will start the desserts in the Camp May pavilion. At 7:00 PM we will start the campfire stories where we will share adventures as we roast marshmallows for smores. We will end the evening at 8:30 PM.
Please come and bring a dessert to share. If you would like to share a story, please email Ann Satsangi at annsats74@gmail.com the title/topic by July 21, 2024 .
We will return to our normal PEEC meetings in August.
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