The July LA Mountaineers monthly meeting will be a special 'meet and greet' format at Camp May picnic pavilion with a goal of social mingling to meet future adventure partners for mountaineering, canyoneering, hiking, climbing, riding, rafting, ...
Join us 6:30 pm Tuesday evening July 23rd at Camp May. We will have a campfire and S'mores, with a brief LAM business notes and then Campfire Stories.
Bring: a potluck desert to share, your own cup or water bottle, and a story to share around the campfire (optional)
Email the coordinator ( if you would like to share a 2 minute adventure story: provide your name and a title.
There will be a "pre-meeting" hike, starting from the Ski Area. This hike will be announced as a separate trip - and this announcement will be sent out shortly.
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