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Jicarita Peak

Sat, 2024-06-15
Cecile Hemez
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Jicarita Peak is just a hundred feet shy of being a thirteener. To reach the summit, we will hike 5.5 miles with a gain of 2600 ft. This will be an out-and-back trip, 11 miles total. Alpine flowers should be at their peak, and bighorn sheep are not an unusual sighting in this corner of the Pecos Wilderness. Driving time to the trailhead is two hours, from either Los Alamos or Santa Fe. The last 4.5 miles are on rough but passable unpaved road. We will start hiking at 9am.You'll need to bring sun protection, plenty of water, snacks and a lunch, in addition to weather-appropriate clothing.  

Most of the trail being above timberline, this hike will be cancelled if the forecast calls for thunderstorms any time of the day.

Let Cecile know if you'd like to come:

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