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July 4 Backpack CDT

Thu, 2024-07-04
Tanja Pietrass
575-418-7969 (leave a message)
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Join me on a backpack July 4 through 7 on a section of the CDT. Which section we'll do will depend on snow conditions. My plan is to set up a car shuttle, so we can do a stretch of trail without repeats. For now, let me know if you are interested, and we'll take it from there. Expect about 12+/-2 miles or so per full day (less on the driving days), depending on elevation gain. Return on Sunday will be early in the day so that we can get ready for work on Monday. 

New backpackers are welcome to join! Do check with me if you have gear questions and note that the club has gear for check-out if you are not set up yet. 

Dogs - it depends, talk to me. 

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