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Glorieta Baldy via Apache Canyon - Strenuous day hike

Sun, 2024-06-02
Olivia Li
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

To reach Glorieta Baldy at 10199 feet, we are going to follow the driving direction (differnt than Google map direction) to the trailhead and the hiking route featured in the 9th edition book of "Sierra Club Day Hikes in Santa Fe areas". 

Starting in a ponderosa forest, this hike follows an old logging road and takes you down to a creek surrounded by towering conifers. From the creek, a good, solid, and steep trail leads you to the top of Glorieta Baldy. It has a lookout tower on the top and the summit is nearby with a short detour. We will have panoramic views from southernmost end of the Rocky Mountain and Sangre De Cristo. Hope to see abundant wildflowers. You are expected to be prepared for a long day hike with necessary gear, layers of clothing, rain gear, water, snacks, and lunch. We will move at brisk pace with short breaks and a lunch break. 

The forest road to the trailhead can be rugged and eroded badly if it is wet. We need at least AWD vehicles, or four wheel drive vehicles for the drive to the trailhead. 

Driving time one way from Los Alamos: about 1 hour 15 minutes

Hiking distance: 13.1 miles round trip

Elevation gain: 2800+ feet. 

Rainy weather forecast will postpone or cancel the hike. 

We will leave Los Alamos early at 7 with a stop at White Rock Y to pick up hiker(s). 

Meeting location: TBA

When you sign up for this hike, if I have not hiked with you before, you will receive an inquiry from me about your recent hiking activities of similar distance and elevation gain.  I want to make sure we hike in a group together with similar pace to ensure positive experience for every hiker in this trip. 

Please email Olivia for carpooling arrangement. 

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