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Maybe the last llama trip, Oct 5-13, 2024

Sat, 2024-10-05
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Dear Mountaineers,

Sadly, it appears that our llama packer, BJ Orozco, may not be in business much longer. I would like to propose an October 2024 canyon trip near one of our favorite spots, south of Ladder Canyon in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. This is complex terrain with much to explore, including the classic “Cosmic Ashtray”, and with a series of day hikes to slickrock tops, side canyons, and down to the Escalante River. Our camp will be on an open plateau with good morning sunlight, close to a water supply. All the hiking will be off trail, and sometimes involves scrambling over rock ledges and ridges, or wading through creeks.

We will follow our usual schedule, spending 6 nights in the canyon, with 5 nights of exploring from our base camp. We make need to share the llama leading on the way to and from camp.

A llama trip gives us about 50 pounds of cargo per person, in addition to for the comforts of community gear: tables, potty chair, two-burner stove. One's own weight allowance includes one’s dinner contributions, personal gear like chairs and a contribution to the wine cellar.  The fee for the llama packing will be about $500 per person, plus tip; there can be modest additional costs for expendables like propane and water filter cartridges.

(optional) Friday October 4. Leave Los Alamos, drive to Bluff, Utah (5 1/2 hours).

Saturday October 5: drive to Escalante, Utah from home or Bluff, overnight in a motel

Sunday October 6: meet BJ, head into the canyon, hiking 3-5 miles crosscountry from the trailhead to camp

Monday-Friday: five full days in the canyon wilderness, with explores every day

Saturday October 12: hike out, stay in Torrey, UT at a motel

Sunday, October 13: drive home all or part way

Let’s carpool as much as possible.

I have arranged a block of rooms for lodging in Escalante and Torry.

Let me know if you want to join in. This may be the last trip and participation is limited to 8, including myself. The deposit to hold a slot will be $500, which should be close to the full price.



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