This is a trip to summit Mt Taylor (11, 305ft) in the San Mateo mountains in the Cibola National Forest. With a second hike planned to the Ice Caves and Bandera Volcano. The ascent to Mt Taylor is a nontechnical 6-mile round trip hike. We will follow the Gooseberry Falls Trail. ( Ice Caves and Bandera Volcano on AllTrails
We will depart from Los Alamos on Friday morning, car camping Friday and Saturday nights. Hikes will be: Friday ice cave/Bandera volcano, Saturday Mt Taylor. Sunday we will pack up and drive back to Los Alamos.
cost: $10 per campsite and we will attempt to share camp sites, shared carpools reimburse driver, responsible for being own food and camping gear. A pre trip meeting will be held on Tuesday 6/18.
for interest please contact Ann Satsangi,
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