Join Zack Baker with PEEC and the Los Alamos Mountaineers for this beautiful hike along the Rio Grande. Participants will meet at the Los Alamos Nature Center parking lot at 8:45am, leaving for the trailhead by 9am. Expected return to the trailhead is 3pm.
This outing will take hikers down to Ancho Rabids in White Rock Canyon on the Rio Grande. The hike begins from State Route 4, south of White Rock, on the Ancho Springs Trail. We will then proceede upstream along the Rio Grande, and finish by hiking up the Red Dot Trail to Pajarito Acres. The hike is 1100 ft of elevation loss/gain, and about 6 miles long. It will likely take about 5 hours to complete. We will set up a shuttle at the beginning of the hike to drive back to our cars at the Ancho Rabids trail.
This is a joint trip with PEEC.
Admission: free/PEEC or LAM member, $5/non-member
Sign up here:
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