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Hiking Bandelier Frijoles Rim and Frijoles Canyon loop

Sat, 2024-04-20
Olivia Li
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

April 20th is the first day of the National Park week.  No national park pass or entrance fee is required on this date.  Let's hike a long loop in Bandelier on Frijoles Rim and Frijoles Canyon.  

Mileage: ~13 miles.

Elevation gain: ~1600 feet.

From Bandelier Visitor Center, we take the Long trail to the Frijoles canyon rim and enter the Bandelier Wilderness shortly on the top. This trail gives us expansive views of several mountain ranges nearby. 
We will eventually go down to Upper Crossing of Frijoles Creek and connects to the Frijoles Canyon trail.

Frijoles Canyon trail has been rebuilt after Las Conchas fire and subsequent flooding, and is now in great condition. It is a delight to hike this trail. We are going to take the time to enjoy the incredible rock formations and soaring cliffs. There will be many creek crossings that I hope we can cross without wetting our boots. Bandelier has publicized recently that beavers have been introduced in this canyon. We will sure see beaver ponds durng this hike.

Please dress in layers for any weather and carry essential gears and food for an all day hike. We are going to keep a consistently brisk pace with short breaks.

Meeting time and location: 8am at Bandelier Visitor Center Parking lot.  No park pass needed for National Park Week.  

Please email me if you would like to carpool from Los Alamos. 



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