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Fruita and Moab Mountain biking (or hiking) April 16-19 or longer

Tue, 2024-04-16
Charlie Strauss
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Mountain Biking trip to Fruita and/or Moab.  Since I don't know who will sign up I'll leave the exact agenda open.  But Notionally it will be to reserve a VRBO house appropriate to the group size in Grand junction Colorado and Bike in fruita.  If the group desires we can either day trip to Moab or find a second place there.  The length of the trip is flexible but a minimum of 3 mights seems apropos.  If the consensus is to hike then we can hike that day.  I am not a grand junction expert but I'm told the downtown is revitalized and has entertainment too.  

I note that the prime time to go to fruita is April and may  with daytime temps averaging 65-75 degrees, and very rarely is there rain in april.  The end of April is the Fruita Fat tire festival which we will be avoiding but it is a popular time to go there even before that.  May is warmer and pleasant but it's also  their so-called "rainy month" which is why April is popular.

forecast is unseasonably warm for evenings (average is 32 but forecast is calling for 45), which if that holds may mean some folks may also want to camp out rather than rent a home.  My preference is to rent because I'd like to cook dinners with a group.  And my preference is for grand junction over fruita (a negligible 15 miute drive addition worst case)  for the potential to go out an see a band if any are playing.

Skill level.  I ride with the tuff riders inlos alamos but I don't go with the hard core riders, just the intermediates. I typically ride single track blues such as the Mag-7 in Moab or the Navajo rocks area in Moab.  Fruita ranges from green level  forest roads to single track blues and blacks.  I can enjoy blacks too as long as no one gets upset with me if I walk the death falls :-).  I'm more about riding and keeping the group happy than pushing myself to the limits.  But if enough people want to go we can break into groups.

You will need to make sure your bike is ready to go, since most of haven't been riding yet this year.  But there are bike shops all over the area for emergency needs.  We can organize carpools but my own car is already spoken for on the outbound leg (I can carry a couple bikes on the return 

Housing should be very inexpensive I have provisionally reserved a whole house near the historic district in grand junctions.  with 4 bedrooms that is $120 a night (total!)  plus a fixed cleaning fee, but I may cancel this reservation if I don't fill this up fast.

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