I joined Los Alamos Mountaineers primarily for canyoneering. In 2013 I attended the climbing school that was taught by Club volunteers. I travel to Zion NP annually to descend technical canyons. I do canyoneering regularly at Capitol Reef NP, the North Wash near Hanksville, and the Moab area. I lead some canyoneering trips with small groups. (one pod = five people)
Occasionally, I lead hiking trips for the LAMountaineers and for the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (our partner organization). Examples are Cabezon Peak, Mt Taylor and Caja del Rio.
I participate in trips led by others. Examples are an annual Moab trip, a pair of annual trips to 10th Mountain Division Huts (summer and winter), backpacking at Nankoweap, and hiking 14ers in Colorado.
I hike with the Wednesday Irregulars and do some downhill skiing at Pajarito and its partners and at Ski Santa Fe. I enjoy multiple-week touring - combining car camping with hiking and backpacking. Exploring Native American sites is an interest.
I have served on the Board a few times.
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