A hike/bike trip to the Tenth Mountain Hut Division – Fowler/Hilliard is planned for August 12-15, 2024. We have the entire hut for 12 adults. The deposit is $163.00 per person. Please e-mail me with your interest.
The route to the hut is 8.3 miles on forest service roads near Leadville, CO. More info on the hut is at: https://huts.org/hut/fowler-hilliard-hut/
Staying in a hotel the night prior to the hut trip (Sunday, August 11) is optional, check in time at the hut on the 12th is 2:00 p.m. We will stay at the hut for three nights, and drive home the last day. More info to follow for participants. Check out the hut pictures on-line.
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