This weekend it starts snowing Friday night and continues all through Saturday all day. I want to leave Friday and spend two days in Colorado skiing, coming back Sunday night.
The Hill Stompers are playing in Durango as the official band of the towns snow-down festival.
So I'd like to lead a trip of people who want to go to ski Purgatory with this short notice arrangement. Depending on response we can organize together sharing hotels and carpooling. And depending on ability we can see who can ski together as a powder hound group.
So please respond to Charlie by email with:
1) Ability to drive and take carpoolers with ski gear.
2) preference to ride in your car or someone else's
3) rough idea of what level skier you are as indicated by preference for runs on Pajarito or by other means 4) if you would stay two nights
5) desire to share a hotel room
Ideally include a text-able phone numbers for quick turnaround around organizing.
Finally , depending on respons, an alternate destination could be Copper Mountain, staying in Leadville. Please indicate if you'd consider or prefer this option
Purgatory is on the Pajarito Core pass and Copper is on Ikon
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