Maybe not what you are expecting from the title. This is intended as a social gathering of the Club's local backcountry riding community to meet potential partners to plan adventures and ride with. So, come join Ann, Michael and other like minded individuals at the Camp May Pavillon on Sunday February 11 at 11:30. We'll have a grill, so BYOB (Bring your own Brats), and some stoves set up to facilitate a social gathering of the local backcountry community. Bring your transceivers to find hidden prizes, hone your skills and challenge your comrades. After lunch, those interested can tour up above Camp May and ride down. If you're skiing Pajarito in the morning, bring your lunch and stop by. Please let either of the trip leaders known(Michael's email is:, if you plan to stop by, not later than Friday February 9th, so that we can plan appropriately.
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