I would like to propose a May 2024 canyon trip to the Ticaboo Canyon system in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. This adventure will take us to a complex canyon system with water enough for camping, and make possible a series of day hikes to slickrock tops and side canyons. We will camp somewhere in the canyon system. All the hiking will be off trail, and sometimes involves scrambling over rock ledges and ridges, or wading through creeks.
This will be one of our regular llama adventures, spending 6 nights in the canyon, with 5 nights of exploring from our base camp. Llama packer BJ Orozco will get our gear in and out of camp. Participants will be on their own for breakfasts (hot water available) and lunches; we will coordinate for dinner groups.
A llama trip gives us about 67 pounds of cargo per person, allowing for the comforts of community gear: tables, potty chair, two-burner stove, and about 60 pounds (to be finalized), including one’s dinner contributions, for personal gear like chairs and a contribution to the wine cellar. The fee for the llama packing will be about $500 per person, plus tip; there can be modest additional costs for expendables like propane and water filter cartridges.
Our schedule will be:
Sunday May 5: Leave Los Alamos, drive to Bluff, Utah (5 1/2 hours), stay at the Recapture Lodge. Let’s carpool as much as possible.
Monday May 6: drive from Bluff, Utah to the trailhead, off highway 276 between highway 95 and Bullfrog, approx.. 3 hours
Tuesday-Saturday: five full days in the canyon wilderness, with adventurous outings every day
Sunday May 12: hike out, stay in Bluff, UT. We may not get to the cards until mid-afternoon.
Monday May 13: drive home.
For lodging before and after the trip, we have a block of rooms reserved at the Recapture Lodge in Bluff for both the 5th and the 12th. Make your own reservation, and let them know that you are part of the Priedhorsky/Mountaineers group, and let me know when you do so. I will release unused rooms once participants plans are clear.
BJ can take in 8 participants at a time. If there is enough interest, and someone willing to lead a second group, we would schedule a second group to go in and come out one day later than the dates above. The groups would camp out of sight of each other, and cook dinners separately, but can coordinate for day hikes.
Let me know if you want to join in! The deposit to hold a slot will be $500. Bill
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