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Canyon country hiking based in Blanding, Utah April 17-21

Wed, 2024-04-17
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

To get the canyon trips rolling early for 2024, we will go again to Blanding, Utah, for 3 days of hiking on April 18, 19, and 20, Thursday-Saturday. I’ve reserved lodging in Blanding, Utah, in the same condos as last year and 2022. From there, we can pick our hikes over a wide range of the canyon country: the northern end of Comb Ridge, Mule and Arch Canyons, Natural Bridges National Monument, White Canyon, and/or the Needles section of Canyonlands National Park. We will have plenty to choose from, and the 3 days will go quickly. We will do our usual cross-country exploring, seeking places that are seldom travelled.

The two condos total 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. We will fill 3  or 4 bedrooms per unit, depending on demand. We will plan to eat most dinners in, and use the kitchens to prepare our own breakfasts and pack our own lunches. There is a grocery store at the south end of Blanding. If we use 6 bedrooms, the cost will average under $300 per room for the 4 night stay. Couples will pay about 1/3 more for a room than singles.

I expect to leave early enough Wednesday April 17 to avoid driving after dark, and carpool to the extent possible. We will return home on Sunday the 21st. One may reserve a slot with a deposit of $250 per room. Please contact Bill to arrange a spot. This should be another great adventure to get us started on the 2024 canyon season.

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