Let's snowshoe in Black Canyon this Monday of MLK weekend. It will be an out-and-back, about 4 miles total and 1,000 ft elevation gain, to several vista points. Black Canyon is located near Santa Fe, on the road to the ski area, but well before it. The first half of the trail climbs gently. The second half is quite steep, and we might need to break trail.
We will meet at 9:30am at the entrance of the Black Canyon Campground, located on the right of the road, 6.9 miles from where Artist Road intersects with Bishops Lodge Road.
Dress in layers and prepare for cold and possibly windy weather. Bring snowshoes, trekking poles, sunglasses, sunscreen, water, and snacks.
Let Cecile know if you'd like to come: cecilehemez@gmail.com
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