On the Monday of MLK weekend, January 15, let's do a XC ski at Sargent's Wildlife Area on the north side of the village of Chama, NM. https://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Ed-Sargent-W...
This will be an out/back kick/glide tour - with the first half gradually uphill and the return gradually downhill. The length of the tour will be based on participant interest - but will be around 10 miles (a 15 mile roundtrip ski can go to the Colorado border and back - for extra credit).
Backcountry touring skis are appropriate for this tour. AT skis will not work. If we have not skied together before, let Jean know what kind of skis you are bringing, and your skiing experience when you sign up.
We will leave Los Alamos at 7 am. (some of us will already be in Chama) An $11 fish & game license may be required to park, depending upon the parking situation - the license can be purchased at the grocery store in Chama. A NM fishing license will also meet the requirement. We will work out these details when we meet in Chama.
Bring skis, poles, knapsack, gaiters, lunch, water, glide wax, sunscreen, gloves, hats, and some layers of clothing.
Let Jean know if you'd like to come - jeandewart7@gmail.com
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