This is a prominent 14er a few miles southwest of Telluride. The views should be great along the entire hike, but especially from the summit. According to the 14ers website, the trail is rated as Class 3, which means there will be some scrambling, probably requiring the use of hands.
We will depart Los Alamos in the afternoon on Friday 6/22 and drive 335 miles to the trailhead (~6 hours). It is not yet clear whether the last few miles of the road will be passable to passenger vehicles. The Forest Service plans to open the road in 1-2 weeks and will be able to assess its condition.
We will climb Wilson Peak (14,017 ft) on Saturday. The trail is 8.6 miles roundtrip with 3600 ft of vertical gain. Depending on the time we get back to the cars, we will decide how to spend the rest of the evening and Sunday. We have several options, some of which are: spending the evening in beautiful Telluride, driving the Million Dollar Highway (from Ouray to Durango), soaking in Ouray hot springs, etc. Trip participants will be able to give their preferences.
To sign up for the trip, please e-mail Momo Vuyisich (vuyisich at
You must be a paid member of LA Mountaineers to participate in this trip.
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Transportation to Wilson Peak
I have an AWD Honda Element. It's paid for, but I'm not sure I want to risk losing it down a stream (note in the 14er page).
How do we want to arrange rides? Do you have a planned departure time and location?
So far I see 3 of us signed-up. Are there any others?