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Cancelled: Wolf Creek winter sports Jan. 25-28

Thu, 2024-01-25
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Cancelled due to lack of interest. I suspect the skiing is too good here at Pajarito.


While it is a great ski season in New Mexico, Wolf Creek offers a change of scene with its high altitude continental divide views. Wolf Creek has a 53-inch base so far and likely more on the way. I'd like to spend a couple days skiing there,  Friday and Saturday the 26th and 27th. We would rent a place in Pagosa Springs, travelling there Thursday afternoon (1/25) to arrive before dark, ski two days, and return on Sunday. Ski tickets on Wolf Creek are reasonably priced by modern standards, for example $58 for seniors, $89 for adults. There are also cross-country options in the vicinity. Please let me know if you would like to join in, and I'll organize lodging. This may be a smallish group. Unless folks really want to go out, we will organize dinners at our lodging. Bill

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