LA Mountaineers - let's support this community event to raise funds to alleviate hunger - in Los Alamos and worldwide. Come on - we need the exercise before Thanksgiving!
Save the date of Sunday, Nov. 19, when the annual Los Alamos CROP Hunger Walk and Turkey Trot will be held. Same bat-time, same bat-location: we will start and end in the parking lot in front of Los Alamos Middle School (on North Mesa). Participants will be entered in a drawing for turkeys and pies.
Runners and walkers will register starting at 1:30 p.m. at a table in front of the school. When the starting pistol goes off at 2 p.m., runners will lead off. They and the walkers can choose either a 1.7 or 2.57 mile course. The shorter course bypasses the stables; the longer course loops through them. At the end of the course, stay for refreshments and the chance of a pie or turkey.
Participation is free, but folks are asked to make a monetary donation to help alleviate hunger locally and around the globe. At least 25% of the funds collected will go to L.A. Cares, the local food bank serving Los Alamos County residents facing food insufficiency.
Dogs are allowed on leash.
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