Los Alamos Mountaineers History
Early Photo Captions
Early Activities 1:
Rock climbing at Battleship Rock in the 1950's.
Early Activities 2:
George Bell on Mt. Wilson in the 1950's.
Early Activities 3:
Frank Pretzel and Herbert Ungnade mountain climbing in Colorado in the 1950's or 1960's.
Early Activities 4:
Ken Ewing and David Lind (U. of Colorado) in the Cirque of the Towers (John Ramsay photo, summer 1958).
Early Activities 5:
Tom Newton and David Lind (U. of Colorado) in the Cirque of the Towers. Perhaps only the second climbing trip ever to the Cirque (John Ramsay photo, summer 1958).
Early Activities 6:
Unidentified woman, Herbert Ungnade, Stan Landeem, Ken Ewing, two
others bent over, Capitol Peak (John Ramsay photo, 1960).
Early Activities 7:
Margaret Hagerman in Colorado (John Ramsay photo, 1960's?)
Early Activities 8A and 8B:
Mountaineers membership card (front and back) for Marvin Tinkle.
Early Activities 9:
Ken Ewing and Emily Wilbanks on Conejos Peak (Bob Cowan photo, June 1972).
Early Brazos 1:
Bill Frye on Easy Ridge during the 1969 May climbing school graduation climb (Bob Cowan photo, May 1969).
Early Brazos 2:
Mike Williams on Easy Ridge during the 1969 May climbing school graduation climb (Bob Cowan photo, May 1969).
Early Brazos 3:
Cat Burglar (left) and Great Couloir Direct (right) routes as seen from Easy Ridge (Bob Cowan photo, May 1969).
Early Brazos 4:
The Brazos Gothic Wall as seen from the top of the Wedge.
Early Brazos 5:
The Brazos Wedge as seen from George Bell's former property.
Early Brazos 6:
Norbert Ensslin on the West Ridge of the Wedge (Steve Iversen photo, ca 1980).
Early Climbing School 1:
April 1967 Climbing School session in the Back Rocks (Bob Cowan photo).
Early Climbing School 2:
April 1967 Climbing School at Potrillo, with Lou Horak on top (Bob Cowan photo).
Early Climbing School 3:
April 1967 Climbing School at Potrillo Cliffs, toproping practice (Bob Cowan photo).
Early Climbing School 4:
April 1967 Climbing School at Potrillo Cliffs, rappel practice (Bob Cowan photo).
Early Climbing School 5:
May 1968 snow climbing practice at Ravens Ridge, below Lake Peak (Bob Cowan).
Early Climbing School 6:
May 1968 roped snow climbing practice on the west face of Lake Peak (Bob Cowan).
Early Climbing School 7:
Climber on Juniper Overhang during an El Rito graduation climb (N. Ensslin photo, May 1976).
Early Climbing School 8:
Picnic lunch at the base of the trad-climbing cliff during an El Rito graduation climb (N. Ensslin photo, May 1976).
Early Climbing School 9:
Instructor Kei Davis (blue helmet) checking belays at the Playground (Jason Halladay photo, April 2007).
Early Fourteeners 1:
Chuck Mader on Little Bear (Chuck Mader photo, 1955).
Early Fourteeners 2:
Mountaineers on Mount Lindsay. Ken Ewing in center, Emily Wilbanks at far right (Chuck Mader photo,1956).
Early Fourteeners 3:
Chuck Mader (far left) and other Mountaineers on Mount Princeton (Chuck Mader photo, 1956).
Early Fourteeners 4:
Chuck Mader (center) and two other Mountaineers on Longs Peak (Chuck Mader photo, 1957).
Early Fourteeners 5:
Chuck Mader in the Crestones (Chuck Mader photo, 1959).
Early Fourteeners 6:
Bob Cowan on Humbolt Peak, with Crestone Needle and Crestone Peak in the background (Bob Cowan photo, June 1974).
Early Fourteeners 7:
Steve Iversen on Snowmass Peak, with Capitol Peak in the background (N. Ensslin photo, August 1977).
Early Fourteeners 8:
Eiichi Fukushima and another Mountaineer on a winter ascent of Ellingwood Peak (Bob Cowan photo, March 1979).
Early Fourteeners 9:
Bob Cowan on Pyramid Peak (?) (Bob Cowan photo, August 1981).
Early Fourteeners 10:
Bob Cowan and Chuck Mader on a Fourteener summit (September 1981).
Early Fourteeners 11:
Lynn Ensslin, Mike Fazio, Dennis Brandt, and Bob Jones in the Playground of the Bears, below Kit Carson and Crestone Peaks (N. Ensslin photo, August 1983).
Gourmet Backpack 1:
Ken Ewing carrying heavy picnic supplies for a gourmet backpack near Las Conchas (N. Ensslin photo, 1980's)
Grand Canyon 1:
Traversing along the S side of the Colorado below the Tanner Trail. Dennis Brandt on top (Bob Cowan photo, November 1974).
Grand Canyon 2:
Merle Wheeler and Carl Keller in Nankoweap Creek (Bob Cowan photo, May 1975).
Grand Canyon 3:
Shady rest break in Nankoweap Creek. Bob Nelson, (?), Dennis Brandt, and Jim Michael (Bob Cowan photo, May 1975).
Grand Canyon 4:
Mario Schillaci, Bob Nelson, Dennis Brandt, and Carl Keller after exiting the Powell Route at the Grand Canyon (Bob Cowan photo, May 1975).
Grand Canyon 5:
Norbert Ensslin leading the summit pitch on Vishnu Temple (May 1977).
Grand Canyon 6:
Dennis Brandt climbing through the lower Kaibab formation break on the way up Vishnu Temple (May 1977).
Mexican Volcanos 1:
Cal Moss and Karl Mueller at the Las Cruces hut on Popocatepetl (N. Ensslin photo, February 1977).
Mexican Volcanos 2:
Mark Felthauser, unknown climber, Rich Davidson, Rick Bartsch, and Ken Ewing in the lodge below Popocatepetl (Bob Cowan photo, January 1982).
Northwest Trips 1:
Don Liska on the approach to the Kautz icefall route on Mt. Ranier (N. Ensslin photo, August 1984).
Search and Rescue 1:
Search and rescue practice at the "Y" climbing area (Bob Cowan, April 1972).
Search and Rescue 2:
Search and rescue practice at the "Y" climbing area. The "victim" may be Bill Johnson (Bob Cowan, April 1972).
Shiprock 1969 register entry:
Shiprock register entry from a climb on the 30th anniversary of the first ascent, by George Bell, Will Siri, Eiichi Fukushima, and Mike Hart.
Tetons Trips 1:
Hank Blackwell at the base of the Grandstand on an unsuccessful Mountaineers attempt to climb the North Ridge of the Grand Teton (N. Ensslin photo, August 1980).
Tetons Trips 2:
Mike Fazio on the Middle Teton (N. Ensslin photo, August 1983).
Tetons Trips 3:
Mike Fazio on the summit of the Grand Teton in a light snowstorm (N. Ensslin photo, August 1983).
Tetons Trips 4:
Nick Dytlewski (Australia), Chris Horley, Gregg Brickner, and Norbert Ensslin on the summit of the Grand Teton after climbing the North Ridge (N. Ensslin photo, August 1990).
Tetons Trips 5:
Gregg Brickner at his camp on the Grand's lower saddle before climbing North Ridge route (G. Brickner photo, August 1990).
Tetons Trips 6:
Carol Sutcliffe, Cliff Meyer, unknown climber, Stu Bowling, Elizabeth Kelly, and Jan Studebaker on the summit of the Grand Teton (August 1990).
Utah-Arizona Canyon Trips 1:
Mike Sullivan showing off his wounds after going through the Upper Slots of West Canyon (N. Ensslin photo, May 2005),
Yosemite Trips 1:
Jim Straight and Lou Horak on the Glacier Point Apron (N. Ensslin photo, June 1984).
Yosemite Trips 2:
Lou Horak on the Glacier Point Apron (Jim Straight photo, June 1984).
Yosemite Trips 3:
Roy Lucht on the Glacier Point Apron (Jim Straight photo, June 1984).
Yosemite Trips 4:
Jim Straight on the crux aid pitch of the East Buttress of Middle Cathedral Buttress, one of the 50 classic climbs of North America (Lou Horak photo, June 1984).
Yosemite Trips 5:
Norbert Ensslin on Snake Dike, Half Dome (Jim Straight photo, June 1984).
Yosemite Trips 6:
Two Mountaineers on Snake Dike, Half Dome (Jim Straight photo, 1984).
Yosemite Trips 7:
Gregg Brickner, Ralph Menikoff, Steve Iversen, Lou Horak, and Jim Straight on top of Half Dome after an ascent of Snake Dike (Jim Straight photo, June 1984).
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