Dear Mountaineers,
Please join us for an early evening hike to the top of the ski hill on Monday, September 4, 2023 We will meet at the ski hill parking lot, and begin hiking at 5:00 P.M. starting a little earlier given the holiday. This gives us more time at the top to enjoy the fabulous view.This is a potluck dinner hike so please bring food to share, your own plate and utensils, and your own beverage. Weather is always a factor, so come prepared for possible rain. It is also recommended bringing some warmer clothes to put on as the air temperature drops quickly at the top of the mountain. Watch for a notice of cancellation depending on the weather situation that I will post by 4:30 P.M. if the hike is cancelled. Dogs are allowed on this trip.
It is recommended you pack a headlight or flashlight as part of your regular gear for the trip. We will likely be hiking down the mountain at dusk.
Please RSVP to Ellen Mills:
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