Los Alamos Mountaineers will host an eclipse-viewing hike to the top of Pajarito Mountain on Sunday, May 20, 2012. Meet at the base of the Aspen Lift at 5:30 p.m. We'll take a somewhat leisurely stroll to the top of the "Mother" lift and then on to the Steve Yeamans Memorial bench overlooking the Valle Grande. From that viewpoint we'll be able to see the annular eclipse of the Sun, weather permitting, as the sun sets. Let's share some food on the summit. We'll have a picnic and a party. But be ready for cool weather and possibly some sprinkles of rain and a bit of breeze. We will hike down after sunset so bring a light.
Leader Dave Yeamans will bring a few very dark lenses for direct viewing and a pinhole box projector for indirect viewing. DO NOT LOOK AT THIS EVENT WITHOUT PROPER EQUIPMENT.
There is no charge for the trip and no limit on the number of people. Contact Dave so he'll know whether to wait for you at the ski hill base on the 20th. (505) 662-7747 or d.yeamans@comcast.net
This eclipse is of the Saros cycle type. The last one of this type was 18 years and 11 days prior and the next is 18 years and 11 days beyond. The prior and next Saros eclipses will be 120 degrees away from this one in North America. http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEsaros/SEsaros.html
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