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Gold Hill - near Taos Ski Valley

Sun, 2023-08-06
Olivia Li
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

This is a strenuous but enjoyable hike to a 12000+ feet peak north of Taos Ski Valley. We will have spectacular views in all directions, remnants of mining activity, and summer wildflowers.  We start at Taos Ski parking lot and follow the Bull of Wood trail to the junction to Long Canyon trail. Following this steep and shady trail, we climb gradually out of the canyon to the treeline. The final 1+ mile is all above the treeline with breathtaking views. On the return we will take the Bull of Wood trail down to make a lollipop loop back to car.  There will be some downfalls we have to deal with but I understand the trail condition should be much better than trail crews had cleared a lot of downed trees on the trail. 

Mileage: 10.3 miles
Elevation gain: 3300 feet

To avoid the potential thunderstorm later in the day, we are going to have an early start. This means leaving Los Alamos very early in the morning such as 6:30 am. Meeting location TBA. 

Prepare for a whole day of adventure. Bring poles, rain gear, dress in layers, have adequate water, snack and lunch. We are going to keep a sustaining moderate pace without many breaks.   

The driving time from Los Alamos to Taos Ski Valley parking lot is about 2 hours one way. 

Please reach out to me by email if you have any questions. 





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