This is becoming a popular hike, but I haven't done it, so I'd like to give it a try. I'm going off Barbara Calef's description:
"This is a point to point hike and will require a short shuttle. We will drop off passengers at the first gate past the main Valles Caldera entrance (between MM39 and 38). Then the drivers will continue to the Fishing Access to leave all but one car. There is a $2.50 fee per car if you have your Senior Pass; $5 without the pass. (There are not always envelopes there).
The first section of the hike involves walking through deep grass and potentilla, then we will follow an elk track to the river, which is about 0.8 miles from the parking area. The total point to point distance is 3 miles. The trail is primitive and rocky in places.
The trail along the river requires some easy stream crossings. Water shoes might be useful."
Bring lunch, and be ready for both hot weather and rain. We will leave Los Alamos at 8:30 AM, and figure on being back mid-afternoon.
If interested write Bill, and make sure the word "hidden" is in your email so it doesn't get lost. Emails that read "I'd like to go on your hike this weekend" can indeed get lost.
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