This is a one night backpacking trip into the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area under the Harvest full moon. The backpacking is not particularly rugged or difficult but requires that you carry all the water you will need for a 24h period. At a minimum, you should plan on carrying a gallon of water away from the trailhead.
We will depart Los Alamos at 09:30 on Friday September 29, 2023, expecting to arrive at the TH between 13:00-13:30. We will hike into the badlands a few miles to a suitable site, make camp, and prepare for an evening of watching the hoodoos dance under the full moon. We will return sometime on the following day. Expect to be back in Los Alamos not latter than 19:00 on September 30th.
The BLM limits group size to 9. Contact the leader if you are interested in participating.
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