This is the first in a series of summit hikes to peaks in our local Sangre de Christo range. We will hike via the Windsor trail from the Santa Fe Ski Basin to the summit of Santa Fe Baldy. This will be a strenuous hike of ~13.5 miles with 3,500 feet of elevation gain. We will need to get an early start to avoid afternoon thunderstorms. Los Alamos area participants will meet at Sullivan Field at 7:00 AM. Santa Fe area folks can meet us at the trailhead at the north west side of the Ski Santa Fe parking lot at 8:15 AM. Bring plenty of water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen, sunhat, hiking poles (if you use them) rain gear and layered clothing options including warm hat, gloves, jacket, etc. Temperatures can be quite chilly at the summit. Be prepared for a full day. Views from the summit are beautiful. I hope you can join us.
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