Summer Hike Along Rio Cebolla
Sat, Aug 12, 2023
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Register on the PEEC website at
Are you ready for a nice, long day hike in beautiful meadows through Oat and Hay Canyons in the Jemez Mountains? Join Sylvie Adam with PEEC and the Los Alamos Mountaineers for this summer hike along Rio Cebolla. Participants will meet at PEEC at 8 AM to decide on carpooling options. The 10.5-mile total hike is out-and-back and begins at the Seven Springs Campground, just past the Seven Springs Hatchery (75 minute drive from Los Alamos).
Bring sunscreen, water, lunch, and rain gear.
Registration for this program is limited to 12 people. Reserve your spot today!
Admission: $5/non-member, free for PEEC or LAM member.
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