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Easy backpacking trip in nearby Sandia Mountains

Sat, 2012-06-09
Momo Vuyisich

Easy backpacking trip in nearby Sandia Mountains, June 9-10.
This will be an easy overnight trip and will offer beautiful views of Albuquerque and surrounding areas. The hike to the campsite is only 2 miles long and descends ~500 ft.
We will leave Los Alamos on Saturday just after lunch, drive to Sandia Crest (2 hours), and hike to our campsite on North Sandia Peak. We will enjoy the evening by playing games, exploring the area, and taking photos. On Sunday morning, we will pack up after breakfast, hike back to the cars, and drive home. We should be back in Los Alamos for lunch.
There is no water on this trail, so we will need to bring our own.
To see photographs from a previous trip to this area, please follow the link below:
If you are interested in participating, please e-mail Momo Vuyisich (vuyisich at

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