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Tenth Mountain Hut System Hike/Bike – Skinner Hut

Sun, 2023-07-30
Kathleen Gruetzmacher
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

A hike/bike at the Tenth Mountain Hut Division – Skinner Hut is planned for July 30-August 2.  Skinner Hut is located near the Continental Divide at 11,620' in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado, nearest town is the city of Leadville. This trip is limited to 12 participants.  No dogs are allowed at or near the huts.

This is a comfortable hut with amazing scenery, hiking, and mountain biking near the hut.  Sleeping arrangements include three rooms with double basic beds and a communal sleeping area.  Bring a sleeping bag and pillow.  Hut amenities include include a wood burning stove, outdoor toilets, solar powered lights, propane cooktops, all cooking utensils, pots, and dishes, paper towels and cleaning supplies.   

The deposit is $161.00 per person.  Please e-mail me to assure a spot and send your deposit to me at 1525 Los Pueblos, Los Alamos, NM 87544.

Travel time from Los Alamos is 5-6 hours.  Arrival time at the hut is 2:00 p.m. or later. 

Barring unforeseen circumstances, 4-wheel drive vehicles should be able to drive to within ¼ mile of the hut.  Carts are available to haul gear from vehicles to the hut.

Hopefully COVID will be substantially behind us for this trip, however, all participants should be fully vaccinated.

Details to follow for participants.

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