This is not an official Los Alamos Mountaineers event, but it is being posted as a general interest item for our club members.
When: Tuesdays at 6 AM
Where: Bottom of Aspen Lift; Skin to P-Tree or top of Mother lift
Narrative: Come skin or hike up Pajarito. Leave promptly from the bottom of Aspen Lift, heading up to the P-Tree (tree in middle of Pussycat run with Pussycat sign). From here head to the top of Mother lift, ski down and skin a second run or other. This is a “race your pace” activity means go slow and chat, push yourself a bit, or get your timer started, v02 max held and hit the max. Look for Tadz Kostrubala with necklace of Christmas lights. See you there!
For more information contact Tadz Kostrubala at,
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