Join the Los Alamos Mountaineers for a 11 mile cross-country ski jaunt from the Pajarito ski hill parking lot to the Valles Caldera Visitor Center. We will leave the ski hill between 8-9am, traverse out to Canada Bonita, then descend the jeep trail into the Caldera. Finally, we will continue across the expanse of the Caldera to the visitor center and our carpool.
This is one of the few legal opportunities every year to see a large part of the Caldera backcountry. We will collect the $10 Caldera entry fee before we depart.
We appreciate that the Valles Caldera staff are again allowing us to do this trip as a "sanctioned group event". We are asking trip participants to take responsibility for assuring their own abilities to complete the trip. The ski tour is roughly 11 miles, with an estimated 6 hours of skiing time. It requires at least an intermediate level of cross-country ski touring experience, and includes a difficult descent on a narrow jeep road.
If you'd like to sign up or have any questions, please email Zack before Thursday, Feb 9, and let him know if you are willing to leave a car at the visitor center on Saturday.
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Trip Report
It was a nice trip, but only four people came. Great snow on the pipeline road decent.