Friday, December 9. Cross country ski at Cumbres Pass - 8 mile out/back ski on Dixie Creek to Chama Valley Overlook. Metal edged, backcountry skis are required.
I really want to go skiing, and the forecast for the Tues-Thurs storm this week appears to me, to give Cumbres Pass enough snow to ski. (I follow the Cumbres Trestle snowtel station - when it reaches about 18 inches, there is enough snow to ski at Cumbres Pass).
So, I will be watching the midweek snowstorm - if it is a bust, there will not be enough snow to ski and we will cancel. So, let me know if you are interested to ski on Friday (sorry for folks who are working) - and we will stay in touch.
The plan will be to leave Los Alamos at 7 am (days are short).
Let me know at if you are interested. Fingers crossed for snow.
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