We are going to explore the Sulfur and Alamo canyons, located in the southwestern part of Valles Caldera National Preserve. Highlights include sulfur fields and fumaroles, great views of several valleys and peaks, as well as several geothermal pools. We might also get a last glimpse of the Fall colors. Mileage will be 12 miles with a 1,800 feet elevation gain.
Participants will meet at 9 AM at the locked iron gate on Forest Road 105, 2 miles after the junction with NM 4. Expected return to the trailhead is 5 PM. It is approximately an hour drive from downtown Los Alamos to the trailhead.
Bring sun protection, adequate water, lunch, and snacks. Dress in layers and be prepared for variable weather conditions. Chances of thunderstorm or severe weather would cancel the hike.
This event is a collaboration between the Los Alamos Mountaineers and PEEC. Please register here: https://peecnature.org/events/details/?id=43661
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