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Wheeler Peak (rescheduled due to weather)

Sat, 2022-09-24
Lana Martin
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Rescheduled due to a rainy weekend in Taos Ski Valley.

This trip is part of the 70th Anniversary celebration. The group will meet at the Sullivan Parking lot at 7:00 am and will carpool to Taos Ski area. From the trailhead, we will hike to Williams lake and continue to Wheeler Peak, 13,167 ft,  the highest peak in New Mexico.

It is a strenuous 8.5 miles round trip, out and back hike, with ~ 3000 ft elevation gain. It takes on average six hours to complete. We will return to Los Alamos around 6-7 pm. Bring plenty of water, snacks, and lunch, and dress according to weather conditions. A windbreaker, and a rain jacket are highly recommended on this hike, in case of unexpected high winds or rain.

Please email me and sign up so I can look for you at the trailhead, or contact you if the trip is cancelled due to weather.

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