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Pajarito Canyon Canyoneering

Sat, 2022-09-17
David Hand, Leader; Melanee Hand, Co-Leader
505-412-3265 or 505-490-1960
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Pajarito Canyon Canyoneering Half Day Trip

This trip is part of the 70th Anniversary celebration. Weather dependent. Four rappels up to 120’ long, with some free hanging.  Strenuous hike out on loose/steep rock field with some 4th class scrambling.  (You might get wet in the canyon.)

Pre-requisite: prior experience rappelling and using technical canyoneering/climbing gear and willingness to carry shared gear and equipment (including ropes).  Also, willingness to help manage and pull ropes.

Gear required: Climbing Helmet with strap, good gripping hiking shoes when wet (over the ankles preferred), rappel device, climbing harness, personal anchor, 2 extra locking carabiners, leather gloves, long hiking pants and hiking shirt with sleeves, sunglasses, sunscreen/bug repellant.

Bring about 2-3 liters hydration, snacks, and packed lunch.

The group will meet at the south end of Kimberly Lane in White Rock, NM at 9 a.m.  Expect to be back at your vehicle by 2 or 3 p.m. 

Limit of 8 people.

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