Join Zack Baker with PEEC and the Los Alamos Mountaineers for this beautiful hike in the Sangre de Christo Mountains. Participants will meet at Santa Fe Ski Basin/Winsor Trailhead parking area at 8 AM. Expected return to the trailhead is 3 PM.
This outing will take hikers to the tops of Lake Peak, Deception Peak, and Penitente Peak, then descend back around through the lush valley. The route starts on the Winsor Trail at Santa Fe Ski Basin, continues up Raven's Ridge, over the peaks, and down the Skyline Trail, back to Winsor. Expect spectacular summer scenery and the finest views so close to Santa Fe. It's a long, but non-technical hike, so we'll start early. Total distance is 10.4 miles round-trip with about 3,000 feet of elevation gain. The morning will be chilly, so bring light layers and a raincoat in case of precipitation. Bring a lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. There is water available around mile 7 (after descending all the peaks), so you may opt to bring a water filter. It is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes drive from Los Alamos to the trailhead.
This is a collaboration event is a collaboration with Los Alamos PEEC, please register here:
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