The trip is a mountain/gravel bike or hike on the dirt road traversing the 20,000 acre Edward Sargent Wildlife Area in Chama, NM (2 hour drive from Los Alamos). The ride is a 15 mile round trip (500 feet elevation over 7.5 mile) on mostly packed dirt with a couple of mildly bumpy rocky sections, approximately 3 hour ride. An elk calving closure is in effect at Sargent so bikers and hikers must stay on the main road.
Each vehicle must have a current $11 Habitat Management & Access Validation from Game and Fish to park at Sargent, or alternatively a current New Mexico hunting or fishing license. The permit or license can be purchased at the Pay and Save Lowes in Chama (2451 Highway 84).
Carpool: we will discuss carpool at meeting point/time. If carpooling, fuel contribution is requested for driver(s).
Hikers: the same route can be done as a hiking trip, but there will need to be a trip leader volunteer for the hiking group to be a go. The hikers can determine how much of the 15 miles they want to do.
Bikers gear: spare tube, pump, helmet, snack/lunch/water, sunscreen.
Hikers gear: snack/lunch/water, hat, sunscreen. Recommended: binoculars for wildlife (Western Meadowlarks, western wood pewee, grackles, swallows, mountain blue birds and more).
Meeting time: 8 AM in Los Alamos. Meeting place will be announced to participants.
Caveat: the Sargent's refuge is on state lands - it is open today, but could be closed before the trip so we will keep in touch with participants in case of closure.
Contact: Sylvie Adam at Mention which activity (biking or hiking) and if you will volunteer to be the hiking trip leader volunteer.
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