With Bandelier opening some of their trails on Friday, I propose an outing. There are a limited number of trails open, but let's do what we can. We will meet at Juniper campground at 9:00 AM. From there, our hike takes us 1.5 miles down the Frey trail to headquarters, with a 500 foot drop, then 1.5 miles downstream (with another 400 foot drop) to the upper falls, where the trail ends since it washed out years ago. We will then backtrack to headquarters and lunch there - I think there is a cafe where one can buy lunch (but I am not sure), or bring your own. We can then hike back up the Frey trail, or there might be an option to take the shuttle bus back to Juniper campground. It will be a warm day, so bring plenty of water, a sun hat, and sunscreen. Let me know if you would like to join in. Sincerely, Bill
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