Ian Swift is recruiting volunteers for his Eagle Scout Trail Maintenance/Repair Project on Saturday April 23rd.
Ian's group will be working on the North Mitchell Trail, to remove brush, widen the trail, and remove some small fallen trees.
Meet at 9 am on Saturday April 23rd at the Mitchell Trail - at the intersection of 45th and Arizona Streets in the North Community.
Wear work gloves, long pants, long sleeve shirt, and sun hat. Bring water and lunch/snacks. Bring clippers or shovels if you have them (no power tools). A US Forest Service volunteer waiver is required - copies will be available at the trailhead. The hike to the trailwork is about 2.5 miles up the Mitchell trail.
The work is anticipated to take 4-6 hours so, if you can come later in the day, contact Ian for arrangements.
If you can come, please email Ian at penguin.r.swift@gmail.com, or call 505-500-0517 (back up phone is 505 695 3814). Hope some LA Mountaineers can join in.
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