It’s time to brush the sand and mud off your canyoneering gear so we can practice for upcoming April canyoneering. We plan to meet at the parking area to the Pajarito Canyon at the end of Kimberly Lane in White Rock at a designated start time arranged by the leader. A group of 5 should be able to finish the canyon in about 4 hours. Depending on the amount of people who sign up to attend, we might need to break into several teams with sub-leaders.
Sign up by emailing Melanee at
*This event might turn into subsequent training and practice events at later dates in local canyons/crags for those interested in additional sessions.
This outing is limited to currently up-to-date Los Alamos Mountaineers members only. Please be prepared to sign a trip waiver and have one on file with the Mountaineers as a requirement of your membership. The Leader(s) will need your cell phone number and email address prior to the trip for communication purposes.
Prerequisite: For the practice session, you should have experience rappelling in free hanging, difficult starts, and using handlines attached to your harness for safety. Ideally, you should have participated in a previous LAM canyoneering trip and feel comfortable with the aspects of technical canyoneering.
What to Bring for Practice:
Canyoneering harness, 3 pear-shaped locking carabiners, 3-foot-long sling, ascending device (VT Prusik and tibloc will suffice if you have it), canyoneering shoes or sturdy hiking shoes above the ankle that can get wet without becoming slippery, VT Prusik, quickdraw with pear-shaped locking carabiners, personal anchor, rappel device, leather gloves, neoprene gardening gloves (optional), helmet, hat, sunblock, sunglasses/safety glasses, whistle, clothing layers that can withstand abrasion including long sleeved shirt, long pants, knife, food, snacks, hydration, enthusiasm and willingness to help others in the group.
I expect there will be some water in the canyon potholes, so plan on getting wet feet at least.
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