Mountaineers! I'm planning to go ski the 3 day storm moving in to Purgatory this weekend. For those unfamiliar with Purgatory: it's one of the easiest beginner friendly ski areas I know. But it's not friendly to beginner snowboarders due to gravity traps - that is, traverses that a boarder would need to walk. Weather will be pretty moderate with very light winds and overcast. Plan is to buddy up and share hotels and driving and to eat at restaurants for dinner, but not to get a vrbo or plan a meal. Please give me your contact info (text and email) and tell me if you can drive and how many people with gear will fit in your car. Unless the weatherman recants we will going up Friday and skiing will be great sat and Sunday. Return Sunday night. My text number is 505 310 0756 and email is
Here's a photo of the last big dump at Purgatory, just a few days ago.
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