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Snowshoeing Las Conchas High Point

Sun, 2022-02-06
Olivia Li
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

From the parking area on south side of Highway 4, we will snowshoe past the sledding hill and continue up the canyon to intersect with FR 280.  Following the forest road, we will get to the base of the Las Conchas Peak. We go off trail here and ascend to the top among young aspens and some deadfalls. This part is rather steep, especially the final quarter mile that could be tough for some snowshoers.  The view on the summit at 9941 feet is spectacular.

Round trip is about 4 miles, 900 feet elevation gain. It may take 4+ hours at moderate pace. You are expected to take turns in breaking the trails if the snow is deep. 

Wear waterproof boots with gaiters, bring layers, water, sunglasses, hiking poles with snow baskets, snacks, and lunch.

We will meet at Sullivan Field at 10 am.  Participants must be vaccinated.  Bring face masks and decide on carpooling at your comfort level.  It is about a 30-minute drive from Los Alamos. 

If you would like to come, email Olivia at and tell me your snowshoeing experience.

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